Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Applicants are encouraged to send proposals for individual presentations or group proposals (ideally 3 persons together) to collaborate on a panel. Papers related to the conference’s central topic are particularly welcome, but papers on other aspects related to Japanese thought will also be considered. We encourage participants to approach the general topic in a creative way, keeping in mind that giving a presentation on a topic they are interested in is more important than adjusting the topic of the paper to the general theme. The conference is free of charge for all participants.

  • Length of abstract: 250-500 words (日本語: 400–700字)
  • Keywords: Please include 5–10 with your abstract
  • Languages of the Conference: English and Japanese
  • Please send in your abstract submissions to:

Award for Excellence in Japanese Philosophy

The European Network of Japanese Philosophy (ENOJP) is pleased to announce that submissions for the 2024 Award for excellence in Japanese Philosophy are opened. The Award will be presented to an outstanding book in the field of Japanese philosophy, including works by younger scholars.

For more information on the Award fo Excellence, please see the ENOJP book award page

The conference program has been last updated on 08.09 at 12:10.

Conference program

The workshop program has been last updated on 01.09 at 16:00.

Workshop program


Registration deadline: 31 August 2024

PhD workshop: 5 September 2024
Conference: 6-8 September 2024
