8th International Symposium on History of English Lexicography and Lexicology
We are pleased to announce that the Eighth International Symposium on History of English Lexicography and Lexicology will take place on 11-14 June 2025 at Tallinn University, organised by the School of Humanities of Tallinn University in association with the Helsinki Society for Historical Lexicography.
HEL-LEX 8 will explore a broad range of topics related to the historical English lexicography, lexicology, and historical semantics.
Confirmed keynote speakers are:
- Prof. Em. Charlotte Brewer (University of Oxford)
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Bergs (University of Osnabrück)
- Prof. Carole Hough (University of Glasgow)
The organising committee:
- Alpo Honkapohja, Lecturer (head of the organising committee)
- Suliko Liiv, Prof. em.
- Mari Uusküla, Associate Professor
- Ülo Siirak, Lecturer
- Merje Kuusk, University Teacher
- Helis Camara, University Teacher
The programme committee invites submissions of abstracts (docx, rtf, or PDF formats) for peer review. The length of the abstracts is ca. 400 words, excluding bibliography. Abstracts should be anonymised and submitted as attachments. In the body of the e-mail include:
- Title of the paper
- Your full name, title, and professional affiliation
- Address, phone number, and preferred e-mail address.
Please send your submissions by 28 February 2025 to hellex8@tlu.ee
We look forward to your contributions and to another inspiring gathering of historical lexicography scholars!
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Source: Estonian Convention Bureau, video link.