Klientide tagasiside

"Kui soovid maha pidada loengu, viia läbi koolituse- või konverentsi, otsid kohta, kus oleksid head ruumid, taskukohased hinnad, kaasaegne tehnika ja meeldiv teenindus, siis on TLÜ konverentsikeskus Sinu jaoks õige koht! Oleme koolitusi teinud siin juba pea 2 aastat ja see on meie kogemus. Soovitame konverentsikeskust kõigile!" - Erki Kukk, Official Field Leader, Southwestern Company

"Suur tänu õnnestunud koostöö eest!" - Korporatsioon Vironia

"Ühiskondlik Pedagoogika Uurimise Instituut (ÜPUI) tänab TLÜ Konverentsikeskust suurepärase võimaluse eest viia ÜPUI korraline konverents läbi Tallinna Ülikooli uue õppehoone Tallinna saalis, kasutades moodsat esitlustehnikat. Konverentsist osavõtjad, eriti ettekandjad olid töötingimustega väga rahul." - Mari Kadakas, ÜPUI juhatuse liige

„Let me thank you once again for your great help anda fantastic conference. You and your team did a tremendous job!“ - Axel Klein, EAJS 2011

„Thank you for organising a wonderful conference-I really had a great time and the places chosen for the reception (KUMU) andconference dinner were really nice plus the food was also delicious!“ - Susanne Klien, EAJS 2011

„Thank you so much for a wonderfully sucessfulEAJS conference in Tallinn. I can sincerely add that I felt everything waswell-organised and smooth. I got a very good inpression of not only theorganising team but of Tallinn University.“ - Tuukka Toivonen, EAJS 2011

„Thank you once again for your most efficient help to ourproject, and congratulations on the great success of the entire conference,which largely depended on you. You should know that many people who came to theconference from around the world talked about your excellent job.“ - Mayuko, EAJS 2011

„Täname teid südamest toetava, hooliva ja professionaalse suhtumise eest ja edasiviivakoostöö eest! Kõik oli hästi ja oleme teile tänulikud. Olete enda lippu kõrgelhoidnud, jätkugu teil jaksu edaspidiseks.“ - Larissa Jõgi, Andragoogika osakonna juubel ja ESREA konverents 2011

„The success on the Networkrelies heavily on the commitment of its member and its partners. Therefore,UNICA is very grateful for your involvement and your efforts, which made theGeneral Assambly 2011 highly successful. I received a lot of positive feedbackfrom the participants, who highlited the excellent organisation of the meeting./.../ Please accept my sincerest thanks for the warm welcome and the remarkablyefficient work carried out by your University. /.../ Our special thanks go toorganisers who were made sure that lis is kept on every organisational aspectof the General Assambly. /.../ We are looking forward to the opportunity toworking together with you again in the near future and to meeting you at theupcming UNICA events.“ - Stravors A. Zenios, UNICA General Assambly 2011

"The impression of the conference arrangements was very positive. You can be proud of your organisational skills and the friendliness and the dedication. Thank you for all the help and the great co-operation." - Anita Honkala, University of Oulu, Finland

"Soovime Teid kogu oma tiimiga tänada nii ruumide kui ka valmiduse eest veel viimasel hetkel meile sobivaid ruume välja otsida." - Endrik Randoja, Fastleader.com

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