Practical Information and Programme

Practical Information for Presenters

On behalf of the conference Organizing Committee, we are looking forward to seeing and hearing all of the wonderful presentations and symposia! As for the practical information pertaining to the matters, kindly see the information below.

Presentation time: 

Symposium - 90 minutes (20 min per person, including presentation + Q&A) 
Paper session - 90 minutes (20 min per person, including presentation + Q&A) 
Topic group - 90 minutes
Round table - 90 minutes
Keynote speech - 60 minutes, including Q&A
Lecture - 60 minutes, including Q&A
Workshop - 60 minutes
Please make sure to bring your presentation on a USB/memory stick around 10-15 minutes before the start of your session! 
As for MacBook users, we recommend bringing your own adapters and/or dongles if needed.

In addition, there will be a student volunteer in every session room who will assist the presenters with setting up the computers and their presentations. 

Poster guidelines:

Please note that the poster stands for the poster sessions are 2.2 meters in height and 1 meter in width. We kindly ask you to keep these measurements in mind when preparing your poster. Ideally, the posters should be in vertical format.

We kindly ask every participant to make sure that they put up their poster on their own. The necessary sticky tack / sticky putty will be provided by the conference organizers at the registration desk. 

NB! Before putting up your poster, please inform the conference organizers about this in the registration table. 

PS! The poster sessions are taking place in the Researcher's Forum


Conference Rooms 

Please note that the conference rooms will be published here below as soon as the conference programme is completed. During the conference days, there will be different directions signs around the campus to make it easier for the participants and guests to get around.

Conference Programme

Please find the conference programme below. 

NB! The organizing committee reserves the right to make changes in the programme. Please note that the poster area is at the Researchers' forum (Teadlaste foorum) and the posters will stay up for the duration of the conference.

NB! The programme has been updated as of June 6th.

Photo by Kaupo Kalda 2020,

NB! The organizing committee reserves the right to make changes in the programme. Please note that the poster area is at the Researchers' forum (Teadlaste foorum) and the posters will stay up for the duration of the conference.

NB! The programme has been updated as of June 6th.


NB! For practical information regarding presentations (such as presentation time) and posters (such as the size of poster stands), please see below.

Practical information 

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