Monday, 15 August 2022
Special event (in the Estonian language, organized by Estonian Environment Agency ) - 100 years of Hydrological Monitoring in Estonia (Auditorium Maximum - A002)
Special event PROGRAMME
Short courses (in English) for students, PhD students, postDoc, early career researcher
10:00-17:00 Field course in karst geomorphology and hydrology of the Kohila karst region (Oliver Koit)
10:00-15:00 Key elements of scientific writing (Bjørn Kløve) (M523)
12:30-14:00 Lunch (Astra building, Researchers` Forum)
13:30-17:00 Isotope Hydrology (Nathan D. Stansell) (M528)
15:30-18:00 Communicating your science to the public (Arko Olesk) (M523)
18:00 NHF Board meeting

Tuesday, 16 August 2022
08:00 Registration (Mare building first floor) with coffee and snacks (Atrium Mare building 3rd floor)
09:00 Welcome session in Tallinn Hall (M218)
09:20 Keynote session (2 presentations) in Tallinn Hall (M218)
10:30 Coffee break (Atrium Mare building 3rd floor)
11:00 Parallel sessions
12:10 Lunch (Atrium Mare building 3rd floor)
13:20 Keynote session
14:15 Parallel sessions
16:00 Poster session with short poster presentations (Mare Atrium, 3rd floor)
18:00 Reception of Tallinn city in City Hall, Old Town
Wednesday, 17 August 2022
09:00 Keynote session in Tallinn Hall (M218)
09:45 Parallel sessions
12:00 Lunch (Atrium Mare building 3rd floor)
13:00 Keynote session in Tallinn Hall (M218)
13:40 Parallel sessions
15:30 NHF General Assembly
19:00 Conference dinner at Lennusadam (Seaplane Harbour Museum)
Presentation of NHF 50 anniversary
Thursday, 18 August 2022
10:00 Parallel sessions
12:00 Closing session and invitation to the NHC2024
13:00 Coffee break (Atrium Mare building 3rd floor)
Length of presentation: 15 + 5 minutes.